Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Day Ever in Raleigh

So it is almost the end of my first day here in Raleigh. Man has it been a whirl wind!! I got in at about 9:30am, straight to get coffee, then pick up my bag, rental car, hotel, quick shower then lunch interview with an agency. They have the perfect job for me. Only God could work this out so well. It is a staff accountant job at a telecommunications company in Cary. They wanted someone with a degree (check), telecomm experience (check), Great Plains experience (check) plus one of their main vendors is one I deal with on a daily basis in my current job. Seriously how could you look at this and not say it was all already figured out for me :) Tomorrow I am also meeting with Anne and John. I am really really excited to meet them! Anyhow after the interview I was exhausted. I didn't sleep well on the plane. So I went to the grocery store and picked up some stuff then back to the hotel room. Of course had to call mom and dad to let them know how everything had gone then it was nap time. Man it was hard to get up but I know that I had to. Now I am going to hang out with a high school friend of mine that I found out lived down here after I had decided to move. So that should be good. It is nice to know at least 1 person in the state :) The area is really really pretty (well what I have seen of it so far) it is a lot more green then I thought it would be. Why I didn't think it would be green I don't know. Everything is pretty spread out so it doesn't feel like a city really at all. I am sure once I see more of it that might change but it is still really nice. Tomorrow I get to see Durham. I had planned going out there today but the need for sleep won out. (not that it was a huge struggle). So that is all for today. I wish that I was staying through Sunday so I could go to church at The Summit and meet the community group but I will be out here again in a few weeks so not a huge deal. I am amazed with how God is providing! Jesus is SO amazing!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Start of the Journey

So I have to admit that I never thought that I would be writing a blog. It is not something that I have really ever thought about. Mostly I am not that entertaining and really neither is my life. But alas I am getting ready to start an entire new chapter that is both exciting and nerve racking at the same time. So I figure this is the easiest way to keep everyone updated on my adventures. I guess the best place to start is the begining. After being sick for 3 years I got a little off track with what I wanted to do and who I was really. But then I found my faith again. So I will tell you know that if you are one of those people that has a problem with "God talk" this is not the place for you. Because this is all about God. God steered me back to him and I seriously have never been happier. So now following God I am on my way to Raleigh/Durham North Carolina! Crazy!! It all started in December after I took the LSAT for the 2nd time. I had a slim chance of getting into a law school in Washington State so I started looking at where I could go. I was looking at Durham, New York, or California. Well then a couple came to my church group from Durham. So that was one sign saying this is where you are suppose to go. Then I did some more research and it sounded great!! I had a church and community group and a school. Now I needed the money to move across the country. Then in May I got all the money I needed within 2 weeks. Now I am sitting waiting for my airplane to go to Raleigh. I have a possible 2 bedroom apartment on a private country estate (the estate is shared with an older couple) and a job that is a perfect fit for me making what I currently make. There is no way all of this would be possible without the hand of God. I really can't wait to get to Raleigh and explore everything. I have 2 interviews with agencies and 1 client interview. Then meeting with John and Anne about the apartment. I have to admit that I like them already. It helps that they like me already without meeting me too. So that makes them good people in my book :) There is so much to do in Durham! It helps that everything is new. So for now I can just type about how excited I am to finally see the place! So for now I will just enjoy my wine at the airport and write more once I have more to write about :)