Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Start of the Journey

So I have to admit that I never thought that I would be writing a blog. It is not something that I have really ever thought about. Mostly I am not that entertaining and really neither is my life. But alas I am getting ready to start an entire new chapter that is both exciting and nerve racking at the same time. So I figure this is the easiest way to keep everyone updated on my adventures. I guess the best place to start is the begining. After being sick for 3 years I got a little off track with what I wanted to do and who I was really. But then I found my faith again. So I will tell you know that if you are one of those people that has a problem with "God talk" this is not the place for you. Because this is all about God. God steered me back to him and I seriously have never been happier. So now following God I am on my way to Raleigh/Durham North Carolina! Crazy!! It all started in December after I took the LSAT for the 2nd time. I had a slim chance of getting into a law school in Washington State so I started looking at where I could go. I was looking at Durham, New York, or California. Well then a couple came to my church group from Durham. So that was one sign saying this is where you are suppose to go. Then I did some more research and it sounded great!! I had a church and community group and a school. Now I needed the money to move across the country. Then in May I got all the money I needed within 2 weeks. Now I am sitting waiting for my airplane to go to Raleigh. I have a possible 2 bedroom apartment on a private country estate (the estate is shared with an older couple) and a job that is a perfect fit for me making what I currently make. There is no way all of this would be possible without the hand of God. I really can't wait to get to Raleigh and explore everything. I have 2 interviews with agencies and 1 client interview. Then meeting with John and Anne about the apartment. I have to admit that I like them already. It helps that they like me already without meeting me too. So that makes them good people in my book :) There is so much to do in Durham! It helps that everything is new. So for now I can just type about how excited I am to finally see the place! So for now I will just enjoy my wine at the airport and write more once I have more to write about :)


  1. So excited for you and to see where God is leading you. What an awesome testimony this is to obeying God's commands via the Holy Spirit in your life. Love you!
